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Together We Shine 3 Girls holding signs

Message from the Clerk of the board

Mark Jacobson


The Board of Trustees is honored to serve our students, families, faculty, and staff. Your generous actions recognized in this Report on Philanthropy is a testament to your commitment to the Sidwell Friends School community, for which we are grateful.

The comprehensive campaign, Together We Shine, continues to receive strong support from alumni, current and past parents and grandparents, among many friends. Through countless hours of volunteerism, the campaign continues to deepen a sense of community near and far. Above all, the success of this campaign will ensure we continue to offer an extraordinary education rooted in the Quaker tradition.

On behalf of my fellow trustees and the entire Sidwell Friends School community, thank you for an incredible year. We are inspired by your generosity and by your dedication and commitment to a school we share a love for.

In friendship and with appreciation,

Mark Jacobson signature

Mark Jacobsen P’24, ’27
Clerk, Board of Trustees